Jesus loves you too I am starting a study reminding you God Jesus is not selective. The Bible says WHOEVER calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved! Jesus loves all sinners but He hates our sin. So we need to repent and ask Him forgiveness and receive His love! i have met people on the streets while sharing Christ telling me they don't think God can save them. One man told me is a hit man killing people and involved in the mafia. I told him to let God be God and decide who He can love and forgive by His amazing mercy and grace! Moses killed a man and David had a man killed to get his wife. These men became men of God written about in the Bible to be men after God's heart. Check out Numbers chapter 12 and Psalms 20-23 and read about Saul the Christian killer who became Paul the apostle of Christ who wrote almost half the New Testament. Check out Acts 28:15-18 and Philippians chapter 3 for starters. I'll get back to more on this meanwhile receive and enjoy the loving-kindness of our amazing Lord JESUS. "I love those who love Me; and those who diligently seek Me will find Me." Proverbs 8:17