The Atheists are wrong
God Jesus is the Creator of the Universe
In early August of 1997 while out on the streets sharing Christ I was approached by Jeff a professing atheist. To my amazement he requested I allow him to ask the leader of his atheist group for permission to have me come and speak to them. On November 2, 1997, I was the guest speaker for members of the Atheist Discussion Group “Freedom From Religion.” Prior to the meeting I did encounter some “difficulties” in choosing the title for the speech. My speaking assignment date was changed twice while I kept communicating with their leader via e-mail and phone as to what he would allow me to speak about. I claim there is a God all the while this group based on what they believe handed out the atheist tract # 66w/KY titled “There are no gods.” The leader of the atheist group gave me strict guidelines to follow;
• No personal testimony
• No mention of John 3:16
• No preaching about Jesus
This seemed to me a contradiction to the Declaration of Independence of America giving us freedom of speech. This atheist group claims freedom from religion but would not allow me, the speaker, freedom of speech. They knew very well I was a street minister of the Gospel of Jesus. Why would they want me to give a 45-minute session preaching about why I believe there is a God? I found a huge contradiction here. This atheist group believes there are no gods (with small “g”). Why are they so busy trying to prove there is no God? Why invite a Born Again Evangelist servant of the Lord Jesus Christ into their midst? Years later I wonder how this group deals with those who claim all humans are gods according to Shirley MacLaine and her New Age movement. I did find out they were curious to hear why I no longer was an atheist. After the meeting I was invited to their fellowship at a local restaurant. For three hours I was asked questions and was able to share in greater detail why the evidence is clearly pointing out the fact:
There is a God
This is not about “us Born Again vs. them not born”. You are entitled to believe whatever you want. Please understand this is simply written out of compassion and love to share with you the wonderful truth I have found. If you still want to believe there are no gods, though how much that pains me, it’s your free choice. If you would like to check out some more facts before you make your final decision be my guest and read what I shared on this night. Joining me in ministry was a dear friend and brother in Christ of mine Bill a former magician. After being born again the Lord showed him he was involved in occult practices. Bill now is revealing the illusions of the fake magic and shares the real truth instead. His ministry uses this verse;
JESUS said; “Truly truly I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life” (NAS).
John 5:24
Some people like to gamble. Most of the time people gamble with money at a calculated risk. Not too many people know they are daily gambling with their life. With two opposites this is a 50/50 gamble with your own life at stake. “Is there a God” is a question each one of us here on this earth will have to face. One day a decision will be required from all of us. My concern is whether you have been willing to look at the facts? Are you gambling your own life on the belief there is no God? What if on the day you die you realize you were wrong and therefore will have to suffer the consequences for all eternity. It’s not about scaring you to believe, rather the consequences if you chose a life away from God. I wonder how people come to the conclusion there is no God? What is their proof? Are you 100 % sure you are holding the truth? I have made some strong comments here. Please be aware these are not my words rather God’s Word in the Bible. I am giving you a living witness of having experienced the Bible to be true, and applicable to daily living. You may choose to believe I fall under the classification of a street preacher as the atheist group states in the above mentioned tract;
• DELUSIONAL – claims to have experienced supernatural events
• DESPERATE – unable to cope with the trials of real life
• SCARED – fear of death overwhelms rational thought
I cannot understand this way of thinking because it does not describe me at all.
I have;
because of the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit in my life
because I know 100 % God is with me every day in all my trials
of death, because the Lord is my light and my Salvation.
He took away all fear the day He saved me!
I know I am going to heaven to be with Jesus forever.
Most importantly I do not lean on the Lord Jesus as a crutch
because I am a failure to make it in my own strength in life
rather recognize I am merely a finite human being with
huge limitations and God Jesus is a infinite omni-present
Spirit in control of everything and His ways are far
better than mine. A personal relationship
with His Holy Spirit is the ultimate for any human being.
Without God all humans are lost!
When I stood before God on November 14, 1993 and asked for JESUS to come into my life I was the opposite of delusional, When the power of the Holy Spirit filled me I made a clear conscious decision by faith based on what I had been shown for 10 months from the Bible to be the only way to heaven. I was given a free choice as to what I wanted to do. I could follow what it says in the Scriptures or keep living separated from God. I was not down and out at the time. Matter of fact I was doing better than in many years. Despite doing well I still was not content. I had no peace, there was “something” missing in my life. That Sunday morning when I stood at the altar at this small Pentecostal church my life changed forever to the far better. I admitted I was a sinner in need of a Savior to forgive the sins I had inherited and carried all my life. The Power that filled me could not have been manmade or any magic. A warm glow filled my entire body when I asked for Jesus to come into my life. The Bible came alive as instructed in Romans 10:9-13 with the promise whoever believes in the name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved. The peace I have had since that Sunday I cannot describe with words. It is better than any meal or sex I ever had in my entire life! Come on people, life is more than sex!
You need to experience the truth on your own. Nobody can do this for you. It’s personal between God and you. What do you believe? Are you willing to gamble your life on a 50/50 chance? I will share some facts to help you decide before you cast all your cares on an “illusion”. How ironic to preach to a crowd of self proclaimed atheists having once been an atheist myself. God does use people to minister to the people you were once involved with. After the meeting the atheist group split 50/50 whether they believed I had truly been an atheist or not. My life before I met Jesus was filled with destructive music, sex and motorcycles. Music and motorcycles can be used for God’s kingdom. The importance is what place it has in your life. Back then it was, though unknown to me at the time, “my gods”. Now I count all that I had of fame and fortune rubbish compared to knowing Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. This atheist group built a defense against facing the fact there is a supreme God. It was not really a defense rather blind denial of willingness to face the facts. I wonder was it out of fear they might have to change their lifestyle, and the fundamentals of their beliefs. Could it be pride stands in the way? It’s hard to admit everything you believe in occurs to be wrong. I was wrong! I pushed away everyone who approached me about God and Jesus for years. I didn’t want to hear it. It still amazes me why?!! What a “bonehead” I was!! It’s not a matter of “having to change” your lifestyle. When you let Jesus the only God into your life you will desire to change and live a life according to His standards as written in the Bible.
Now I simply can’t get enough of the presence of JESUS!
As a born again believer my spiritual life had a new beginning. I feel as I won the largest lottery in life with eternal life as the grand price. The only difference to this “lottery” is the grand price never stops being available. Anyone may receive the free gift from God of eternal life in Christ. Your part is to have faith in Him through God’s love, mercy and grace. I simply have to tell all my friends, family, yes everyone, this wonderful good news about JESUS. It would be selfish to keep it to myself, I simply can’t!! In the book “Why we believe” by the author Paul Little there is a chapter titled “Is there a God?” Mortimer Adler says in his monumental; “Great Ideas Syntopicon and essay on God”: “More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question”. Adler goes on to say; “The whole tenor of human life is affected by whether men regard themselves as supreme beings in the universe or acknowledge a superhuman being whom they conceive of as an object of fear and love, a force to be defied or Lord to be obeyed.”
The American Heritage Dictionary says;
“1 a. Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
b. The doctrine that there is no God or gods.
2. Godlessness, immorality.”
“To have firm faith, especially religious faith.”
It remains a 50-50 choice, either you believe or not. I believe there is a God with all my heart. Let me explain why. It is not possible to put God in a test tube or prove Him by usual scientific methods. In the same way as it’s not possible to prove Napoleon really existed, you kind of have to trust that whoever wrote the history books can be trusted. The reason lies in the nature of history itself, and the limitation of scientific method. In order for something to be proved by the scientific method, it must be repeatable. One cannot announce a new finding to the world on the basis of a single experiment. But history in its very nature is non repeatable. No one can rerun the beginning of the universe or bring Napoleon back. You cannot repeat the assassination of Kennedy, nor the terrorist attacks on America 9.11.2001. The fact that these events can’t be proven by repetition does not disprove their reality as events. These are horrible events we don’t want repeated again. Other things you might have enjoyed but still cannot repeat no matter how much you enjoyed them. I would love to have some of my aunt’s pancakes and brownie but she is no longer on this earth so all I have are the memories.
The scientific method
The scientific method is useful only with measurable things.
No one has ever seen three feet of love,
or two pounds (0.97 kilograms) of justice,
but it would be foolish to deny their reality.
To insist that God be proven by the scientific method
is like insisting a telephone be used to measure radioactivity.
How do we prove there is a God?
Many scientists have tried to prove there is no God.
Many have concluded after endless research failing to prove their case that the only explanation is that there has to be a God behind the design of the universe. How do you explain the “basement” for DNA is intelligent information, which had to be created by “someone” or “something”?
In Newsweek magazine of July 20th 1997
there was a story under the title;
“Science finds God!”
Others in their search for answers have concluded; they don’t think that by studying science you will be forced to conclude there must be a God. But if you have already found God, then you can say, from understanding science, “Ah, I see what God has done in the world”. The Bible teaches God is a Spirit. In other words you can’t touch Him as you grab something with your fingers. The Bible continues to tell us if we ask for it we may have the Holy Spirit dwell within us. Here lies the cornerstone to knowing there is a God. Unless you ask for divine understanding and for the Holy Spirit to dwell in you through faith in Jesus Christ you will not be able within your own limited understanding to grasp;
Who God is, what God is, why God is, where God is, and how God is?
Until you can come up with the proof otherwise by your failure to prove there are no gods I claim One divine almighty powerful God created the universe all humans and living things.
Where is God?
He is closer than you might think!
The distance is on average 18 inches
from the head to the heart
equal the distance to God for those who do not believe.
I know I refer to the Bible a lot
all the while you might not even believe the Bible
is anything but “just another book”.
The Bible is not just a history book.
The Bible is the history.
God’s word in the Bible is alive. Please be patient and let me explain unless you’d rather keep on looking for real peace, truth, love and happiness in all the wrong places? Please understand I’m trying to do you a favor, because I care! In Ecclesiastes 3:11 it’s referred to God as having;
“Set eternity in the hearts of men”
This was described by Blaise Pascal, the great seventeenth-century mathematician, as
“the God shaped vacuum in every man”.
In Romans chapter one and two the word says
we will see the evidence of God in His creation.
If for some reason you are unable to see a Creator
must have created all the amazing things around us, and the
manifold food to eat with so many flavors I suggest you visit
the web site of the
Creation Studies Institute
There are approximately 11 million species of life on earth including humans. Did all of these, including the universe itself, begin by chance, or did it begin by purpose and design?
If you believe this earth just happened by “chance” I feel like bursting out like John McEnroe;
“You can’t be serious!”
Whether you are an atheist, a Jew, Gentile, a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or a professing believer of any other kind just faking it you will face a decision one day. You are entitled to believe whatever you chose
but it does not change the fact there is only two choices.
News alert!
Yesterday August 5, 2008 a radio reporter shared a story from Somalia. A man named Mohammed was approached by two men asking him why he did not bow in the “correct direction” when he was praying. Mohammed replied his God is omnipotent and does not require a specific direction when he prays. When he continued to tell them his God is Jesus Christ he was shot dead on the spot. When this Christian man’s wife who was pregnant heard about the death of her husband she went into labor too early and delivered a still born baby. My heart is heavy over hearing such meaningless murder. I pray for the killers to repent or they will end up in hell. I know my brother in Christ is in heaven. If you don’t believe Christians are killed for their faith in 2008 I suggest you look up the website “The Voice of the Martyr’s”. Why does anyone feel so threatened by peaceful believers of Jesus Christ they have to kill them? Is it because their god is really not a god at all but rather the devil who seeks to destroy and kill? Some may say there were crusades in the past in Europe in the name of Christ. I claim they were false believers who did not operate according to God’s word in the Bible. On judgment day they will face the punishment of their misrepresentation of our God Jesus.
The Universe was not made by mere chance
The Universe is far too complex to have been a result of a big bang. The Lord Jesus was there in the beginning with the original specifications and information which put it all together. Try to build a house without specific plans.
If you do not use a level the pieces will not fit together.
Scientists have long relied on infinite time plus chance to explain the origin of the universe. What makes you believe these scientists know what they’re talking about? The scientists did not make the Universe. No human were alive when the universe came about. There are no credible eye witnesses to how it all started so how do we know? We walk by faith not by sight as written in 2. Corinthians. 5:7
The astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle
explained how complex it would be for the human being
to come in to being by mere chance;
• “In every human being there are about 200,000 amino acid cells.
• The time required to get all 200,000 amino acids for one human cell to come together by accident would be about 293, 5 times the estimated age of the earth
(Set at the standard 4.6 billion years
by scientist,
which might not be correct)?
• The odds for the accidental formation of only one of the many chains of amino acids in a living cell would be very small”.
• In his book “The intelligent Universe”, Hoyle concludes; “As biochemists discover more and more about the awesome complexity of life, it is apparent that its chances of originating by accident are so minute that they can be completely ruled out.
Life cannot have arisen by chance.”
The earth itself is evidence of design. If it were much smaller; an atmosphere would be impossible (as on Mercury and the moon), if much larger; the atmosphere would contain free hydrogen
(as on Jupiter and Saturn).
Its distance from the sun is correct, even a small change would make it too hot or too cold for us to live here.
Albert Einstein said;
“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illuminant superior Spirit, Who reveals Himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.”
(End of quote).
There are many evidence of meticulous design in the nature. Consider the human eye.
The English theologian William Paley said;
“The fitting together efficiently and co-operatively of the lens, retina, and brain; enabling humans to have vision; is conclusive evidence of the design of an all-wise Creator. Thus the functional design of organisms and their features are taken as evidence of the existence of the designer.”
(End of quote)
Even Darwin himself in a chapter titled;
“Difficulties with the theory” from his book;
“Origin of Species” states;
“To suppose that the eye, with so many parts all working together could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”
(End of quote).
Februrary 12. 2009 it was reported in the news people celebrating
the 200 year anniversary of Darwin. Some claim
the Bible was written by old men in the old days and therfore cannot be trusted
but they trust a man who wrote a book 150 years ago and who based his
findings on instruments lighted by candle light.
These people fail to
recognize these men of God writing the Bible
were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God and wrote
what the LORD JESUS told them to write.
Darwin was merely a confused man who could not understand
God's creation and how the Lord Jesus created the earth
and all it's magnificent creatures and other living things in it.
Harvard University’s Richard Lewontin, an evolutionist, states;
“Organisms appear to have been carefully and artfully designed”
Mr. Lewontin continues to conclude;
“The perfection of organisms is the chief evidence of a Supreme Designer”.
At the atheist meeting my friend Bill, the magician, revealed to us how the eye can be deceptive in its information to us. What we believe we see is not what actually takes place. It’s natural for us as a human being to seek restlessly for peace until we are re-united with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. We search because we have been separated from God and will never find peace without Him. In the same manner as the eye is deceiving us, so also Satan, the devil, the great deceiver and destroyer is trying to deceive you to believe there is no God. The devil, who is called god of this world with small “g”, wants you to destruct for eternity out of pure evil. Some have said to me; “wait a minute I don’t believe in Satan either”. That’s okay, but will you allow me to pray for the Lord to show you hell in all its reality right now. If the thought of such a revelation scare you would not that be a sign that you do believe? It all started way before our time. We were separated from God through the sin of the one man Adam. We inherited the sin from Adam, and therefore are born into this world as sinners. A sinner violates God’s righteousness. God is holy and we are not. There is a penalty for sins in the court of God. As sinners we have a death sentence because we are on death row. Thank God He provided a way out of the eternal jail called Hell. To pay for our sins God gave His only Son Jesus Christ to pay that penalty and make the only way for us to come back to God. We have been given a free will to accept this free gift from God. By faith we can be re-united to God again by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The alternative is to deny Him, and suffer the consequences, and spend eternity in hell. I have shared with you as many before me the truth for all eternity. The Bible tells us this is a mystery you cannot understand unless you seek divine guidance from God Himself.
Will you listen to the voice of God?
“Today when you hear His voice, do not harden your heart”
Hebrews 4:7
If God is touching your heart this very moment, please do not push Him away.
“No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit”
1. Corinthians 12:3
I was once an atheist but God did not give up on me.
On April 20, 1993 I finally softened my heart
and tried to read for myself what the Bible had to say.
I decided to no longer rely on people telling me not to believe, because it was not “cool”.
I found to my surprise I had to push the Bible away
after reading only a few verses.
I could not read it; “something” kept me away.
Six months and 24 days later
I asked with all my heart forgiveness for my sins
and for Jesus to come into my life
as my personal Lord and Savior.
Finally I was able to read and understand
what is written in the Bible.
2. Corinthians 4:4 says;
“The lord of this world,
which is Satan, has blinded the minds of the non-believers,
so they cannot comprehend the Gospel of Christ,
Who is the image of God”
In Acts 26:15, 18 Jesus said;
“I am Jesus, to open your eyes,
and take you from darkness to light, from Satan to God,
in order for you to receive forgiveness of your sins,
and an inheritance among those who have been
sanctified by faith in Me”.
There is no other way!
• it’s not about a religion
• not about how good you are
• not how many times you go to church
Jesus is the only way! He is the truth, the Life and the way; no one comes to the Father except through JESUS, as written in John 14:6. You may continue to deny this, and make all the excuses you like as to why you believe there is no God. It’s your given right as a human with a free will. What puzzles me is if you maintain your belief there is no God why would anyone need to form an atheist group? Only if there is a God do you need an opposite point of view. Do you not realize the devil is holding you captive as he held me captive before the Lord set me free? Don’t take my word for it check for yourself in 2.Timothy 2:24-26 and Luke 4:18.
Bertrand Russell said he was not a Christian,
because when he asked who created God, he got no answer.
Maybe Mr. Russell was not listening?
Maybe Bertrand wanted God to do things his way? The Bible says God by definition is eternal and un-created, an Omni present Spirit.
If God were a created being He would not and could not be God. God Jesus has always been.
R.C. Sproul, an author and lecturer said;
“Being eternal, God is not an effect. Since He is not an effect He does not require a cause. He is un-caused. It is important to note the difference between an un-caused, self-existing eternal being, and an effect that causes itself through self-creation.”
Archaeology and the Bible
In the early years of the nineteenth century a new door of information opened up as archaeologists began to dig below the earth’s surface for the material remains of man’s past found in ancient places, buried temples, and animal stables. More than 25,000 sites showing some connection with the Old Testament period have been located in Bible lands. Through these findings the scriptures in the Holy Bible
has been proved to be historically correct.
Millar Burrows of Yale stated;
“Archaeological work has unquestionably strengthened confidence in reliability of the scriptural record” Still the Bible cannot be proven by archaeology.
H.Darrell Lane is quoted in Paul Little’s book; “Know why we believe” on page 72;
“Although archaeology can sometimes provide independent evidence for the existence of certain places, persons, or events mentioned in the Bible, it can say nothing at all about whether God had anything to do with any of it. For the modern believer as well as for the ancient Israelite it is a matter of faith.”
It is the Holy Spirit who ultimately confirms the truth of the Scripture to us.
“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel,
for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,
to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith;
as it is written, ‘BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.’
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
because that which is known about God is evident within them
for God made it evident to them.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes,
His eternal Power and Divine nature, have been clearly seen,
being understood through what has been made,
so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God,
they did not honor Him as God,
or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations,
and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise,
they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God
for an image in the form of corruptible man
and of birds and four – footed animals and crawling creatures.
Therefore God gave them over
in the lusts of their hearts to impurity,
that their bodies might be dishonored among them.
For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie,
and worshiped and served the creature
rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever, Amen.”
Romans 1:16-25
It all comes down to blind faith
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,
the conviction of things not seen”
Hebrews 11:1
No matter how smart we are we will not understand it all
before we get to heaven
Solomon, according to the Bible,
the most wise man to walk this earth concluded;
“When I gave my heart to know wisdom,
and to see the task which has been done on the earth,
and I saw every work of God,
I concluded that man cannot discover the work,
which has been done under the sun.
Even though man should seek laboriously,
he will not discover, and though the wise man should say;
“I know”, he cannot discover.”
Ecclesiastes 8:16-17
The conclusion
“The conclusion, when all has been heard, is; fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether good or evil.”
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14;
Many make the mistake of trying with their mind to figure out a matter of the heart.
It is not a matter of thinking there is a God. Faith is to believe in your heart by childlike faith. You are faced with a free choice. Will you make the right one? Many before me have told you how to give your heart to Jesus. I recognized something interesting while editing this part of the website. I held my speech to the atheists in 1997. In 2002 I updated it with comments from my walk with the Lord Jesus. As I edited it again in 2006 and now in 2008 I notice I write the same message today. I did not delete it because someone once told me we need repetition three times for something to sink in and then do it 30 times to master it. Why is this so important?
God has put the truth in my heart
The Lord brings the truth to me so I may testify again, again, and again. It is no “mistake” some scriptures and testimonies are repeated. At first when I notice the repetition I started to edit it out until I realized this is how God wrote His Bible through men inspired by the Holy Spirit. You may look up Ephesians chapter six for reference if you would like to.