1. Know what you believe and how to share it.
Class overview.
2. Do you know you are in a spiritual war?
Warfare prayer.
3. Share Christ in full in 3 minutes.
How do you communicate? Role play
4. How to tell people about JESUS
without an argument, role play.
5. Ambassador for Christ.
Make the combat zone your comfort zone.
6. God has given you the ministry of reconciliation.
7. The Great Commission ! Take the Good news to the people.
8. Practical evangelism, role play,
We are not ashamed of the name of Jesus.
10. How to share Jesus with your family, friends, neighbors
and even those who choose you as their enemy.
11. Do the work of an evangelist
12. False teachers and cults. Truth and deception.
Who are the real Christians?
13. PRAY down the evil strongholds.
We have the final victory in our Lord Jesus.
14. We are fishers of men ! Let’s go fishing !
God’s word is the bait, and where the power lies.
For booking of this class to be taught at your church
just send an e-mail to;
This class relied on the Holy Spirit inspired teaching through
Zealous James
Your bond-servant for JESUS’ sake ( 2.Cor 4:5,15 )